Thursday, March 15, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Nails!

It took me a while to settle on a St. Paddy's manicure. I tried three different designs before I started throwing things and screaming "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!"

Okay, that didn't really happen, but in my head it did. Frustration is a powerful emotion.

I decided to do this green and gold glitter on white. The white is a nameless color by Missme, which I'm assuming is an Asian company, judging by the fact that there is writing that looks quite Asian on the bottle (It doesn't look Chinese or Japanese though. Korean?). There is also pictures of fire and a rabbit on the bottle. I know that fire means it's flammable, but I'm having issues deciding whether the rabbit means it's vegan/animal friendly, or that the polish is, in fact, made out of rabbits.

Anyway, the green glitter is Sinful Colors' "Call You Later", and I love the tiny gold glitter that is incorporated in this as well. I am sad and ashamed to admit that while I bought it months ago, I had never used this polish until yesterday. And boy, am I happy with it. It's perfect for St. Patrick's Day and goes on nicely. My only suggestion is that if you're going to use it, put it over another color, because it's pretty thin. I have on 2 coats in the picture, so I can imagine that it takes at least 2 more coats to completely cover the nail.

Simple success!

Also, I'm not going to put up pictures of my failed attempts because I am just so ashamed of myself.

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